My Dysfunctional Mind | Oh, look! A chicken!

It’s November and It’s Cold

Well, it is November in Wisconsin and damn it is supposed to be cold and snow next week. What the frilly hell? I have a standing request that is NOT snow before my birthday. Like I want to spend my vacation time shoveling snow and being cold. Okay, so it will make me stay inside and get some writing done. I owe some readers updates on my two fanfiction stories and well my second book could use some more attention.

It has been ten weeks since I submitted my book…the average time to hear something is eight weeks. I don’t know if it is good or bad or normal that it has been longer…maybe they are just busy. Stupid bitty pissy fairy keeps telling me it is because my writing isn’t up to par. I know she is full of shit, but she doesn’t ever go away.

I’ve been re-reading To Love Again and making a couple of tweaks. Adding some missing quotes or punctuation. I realize that I appear to enjoy using the work ‘FUCK’ in my writing. I suppose it is only fair since I do have a habit of saying it often enough. If I hear anything good or bad, I’ll post it…not that anyone reads this, but hey, maybe someone does.

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