Jan 09 2015
This was a fantastic read. I love the character development, the interactions between the characters and the plot. When we are young, we do stupid things. The important lesson is to learn from your mistakes. I found that I could easily relate to several of the situations within this book. I am looking forward to reading more by Sandy Dugger!!
Rating: 5 out of 5
Dec 17 2014
I have to say that this is one of the best, and funniest books I have read in a long time. I found myself laughing out loud, and that doesn’t happen often. Truly a must read for everyone. Lorraine’s sense of humor is truly a gift. I cannot wait for the next book!
Rating: 5 out of 5
Dec 10 2014
Tonight we had an “employee” meeting with the publisher and other authors at Sapphire Books. It was a great learning experience. I am very grateful that Sapphire liked To Love Again and that I was smart enough to sign with them. Now, while I wait to hear from the editor, I need to get rid of my writers block and get my ass moving on Awaiting Peace.
Dec 08 2014
Anxieties suck! How do you deal with anxieties? That is my dilemma right now, or today at least. Yes, I have my own fair share of them. I’m shy, really shy, but I try to still put myself out there and not completely hide. I’m not saying I succeed, but I make an attempt at least. And yep, that was me hiding in my bedroom when I was at home this weekend. Why was I hiding? We had a friend and her two kids visiting. Kids still scare the shit out of me, so, I hide. It’s easier!
My partner – she has extreme social phobia and anxieties. I’m trying to find ways to allow myself to do things I want, and need to do, but to be respectful of her as well. I try to make or take calls when she isn’t home so that she doesn’t have to leave the room/house. I try to do as much of the shopping and dealing with crowds as I can. I do make her still go out on occasion, but if she starts to have a panic attack, I either let her go out to the car or we pay for our stuff and leave.
I have a “conference” call with my publisher this week and I’m excited, nervous, anxious, and slightly confused. My shyness is part of the nerves and anxiety, but also, my partner isn’t supportive yet of the book, and I’m not sure how to talk to her about the call. Well, I’ll have to keep you posted on how that goes…
Dec 02 2014
So, it has been a little bit since my last post. Sorry. Vacation was good, relaxing. I must say that going back to work, not so good. Yes, it was a short week, but still, it was back to work.
Yesterday I received an email that To Love Again has been sent to the editor. Now the fun begins. I’m hoping that the changes that were made make the editors job easier. I hadn’t realized how comma phobic I was. 😀 That has been fixed (thanks Teri, thanks Suzi).
So, what else – oh, new toy yesterday. I got a new phone, a Samsung Note 4. I love it!!
I’m still working on Awaiting Peace…I haven’t made a lot of progress lately. It appears that the holidays make my brain gassy. I’ve had a lot of brain farts and duh moments. No, it is not old age…yeah…no definitely not.
Nov 19 2014
Well, it is official. Today, I submitted the final copy of my manuscript, To Love Again. Now, we wait to hear what the next step is. I’m still excitedly scared. Yep, I’m scared this is all a part of my warped imagination. Ha!
I talked to my Grandma today. I told her about the book, and she told me that she was proud of me for achieving something that I have wanted for so long. I knew she would say that since she has always been one of the few people in my family that I know are true and honest with me.
Nov 18 2014
I woke up to breakfast in bed, then I spent the day relaxing and enjoying the day. Tonight Kathy and I went to Claddagh Irish Pub for dinner. Yes, this is where I go every year, but can you blame me? Irish food and Ireland are amazing! Yes, I am biased and I don’t care.
In other thoughts, I can say that I was never more ready for something to go right. Eleven years ago today I had major surgery that changed and essentially saved my life. Today, I signed a contract with a publisher, and I am finishing the edits on To Love Again. I am still in shock that all this is happening.
Nov 17 2014
Well, I am still making those final edits on To Love Again. I’m hoping that I should be done with them today. Then I can fill out the contract and submit it tomorrow as a ‘Happy Birthday to Me’ present. 😀
I told my daughter about the book over the weekend, she was very supportive. I knew there was a reason that I kept her around.
More later – I need to tweak two areas before I forget to.
Nov 12 2014
I spent last night and most of today doing edits on To Love Again. Tonight, I spent working on Awaiting Peace, what I hope to become my second book. I’m amazed as I re-read part of Awaiting Peace, the edits I needed to make on To Love Again were not issues that I have with with book. Huh?! I have asked Teri and Suzi to again read through To Love Again to make sure that it still sounds okay after I made the changes. I think that all three of us are going to have that book memorized before I get it published. 😛
Oh, and today was ‘HAIRCUT DAY’ and damn I look cute no matter what the cat says. I know, you are wondering, where is the picture proof…not going to happen. I am too self conscious. Just take my word for it. Would I lie? Maybe don’t answer that.
Nov 11 2014
Well, I spoke to Christine from Sapphire Books today. For the shy and timid person that I am, she made the conversation comfortable. I’m grateful for that. I learned a lot and have several edits to make, but when all is said and done, she is still interested in moving forward with publishing To Love Again. YAY ME!! I have shared this with a few people who have been so supportive and willing to offer their assistance of any thing I need. Teri and Suzi have offered to be my eyes after the edits, my Mom is looking over the contract, and Ashley is working on the edit I requested to the cover. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to use it, it is truly a fantastic cover.
Well, I better get back to making my edits!