My Dysfunctional Mind | Oh, look! A chicken!


Anxieties suck! How do you deal with anxieties? That is my dilemma right now, or today at least. Yes, I have my own fair share of them. I’m shy, really shy, but I try to still put myself out there and not completely hide. I’m not saying I succeed, but I make an attempt at least. And yep, that was me hiding in my bedroom when I was at home this weekend. Why was I hiding? We had a friend and her two kids visiting. Kids still scare the shit out of me, so, I hide. :)  It’s easier!

My partner – she has extreme social phobia and anxieties. I’m trying to find ways to allow myself to do things I want, and need to do, but to be respectful of her as well. I try to make or take calls when she isn’t home so that she doesn’t have to leave the room/house. I try to do as much of the shopping and dealing with crowds as I can. I do make her still go out on occasion, but if she starts to have a panic attack, I either let her go out to the car or we pay for our stuff and leave.

I have a “conference” call with my publisher this week and I’m excited, nervous, anxious, and slightly confused. My shyness is part of the nerves and anxiety, but also, my partner isn’t supportive yet of the book, and I’m not sure how to talk to her about the call. Well, I’ll have to keep you posted on how that goes…

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